Help for Bronchial Asthma

Help for Bronchial Asthma
Bronchial asthma is wide spread at the present time (affected 4% to 8% of population) and one of the diseases seriously worsening the quality of lifestyle (especially children), decreasing one’s ability to work, and raising the expenditures the society has to bear in relation to it.
According to scientific definition, bronchial asthma is a standalone chronic relapsing disease, the basic and necessary pathogenic mechanism of which is constituted by the changed reactivity of bronchus conditioned by specific immune (sensibilization and allergy) or nonspecific mechanisms. The basic and necessary clinical symptom of asthma is difficulty breathing as a result of bronchospasm, hyper secretion, and swelling of the mucus membrane of the bronchi. The disease may have different degrees of severity, but in any case the occurrence of bronchospasms oppresses the patient and changes his or her behavior especially traumatizing children and teenagers. Asthma morbidity rate in Russia and European countries (Italy, France, Czech Republic, Austria) has dramatically risen for the last 20 years (sometimes up to 10-13%) that is attributed to the continuing environmental pollution and sedentary lifestyle.
In the present time the hopes for the decrease of the morbidity rate, the improvement of patients conditions and their lifestyle quality are inseparably connected with the spreading of the Midbar Dead Sea Salons and their climate recreating equipment around the world. Developed and produced by the Israeli physicians and engineers it combinedly and in the most favorable seasonal proportions recreates 31 factors of the natural climatic conditions of the Dead Sea valley. Reproduction of the dispersed terahertz heat radiation is the most important specifics of the Salon systems. Together with the recreated ion and vortex movement of the atmosphere (great amount of bromine and chlorine air ions) filled with wholesome evaporations of the Dead Sea waters it creates a perfect environment for climatic treatment of the patients with bronchus and lung diseases.
Medicamentary methods of treatment widely practiced today presume the use of inhalatory glucocorticosteroids (IGCS) for bronchodilatation (symptomatic therapy) and system glucocorticosteroids (SGCS) for basic therapy controlling the course of the disease. Commonly known, however, are the harmful side effects of this treatment such as osteoporosis, arterial hypertension, diabetes, eye cataracts, glaucoma, obesity, muscular fatigue and other illnesses. There is no need to discuss the safety of this kind of treatment.
Recent time witnesses a boost of nonmedicamentory methods such as dry halotherapy, speleotherapy etc. However, the downside of the latter is their symptomatic character which often does not help to decrease the actual severity of bronchial asthma. The method of climatic treatment by the environment of the Dead Sea valley has a root difference. It already has been around for quite a while, but recently has become popular because of the use of climate recreating equipment in the Dead Sea salons. It allows to achieve a healing effect of the Dead Sea climate anywhere in the world.
Climatic treatment is attractive exactly due to the fact of it affecting the bases of the pathological process and causing deep and beneficial changes. First of all, the dispersed thermal background together with the saturation of the air with air ions influence the changes in the bronchial wall. The number of goblet cells generating mucus decreases whereas the number of the ciliated epithelium cells gets restored. Eosinophilic infiltration subsides, which helps the decrease and even complete cessation of the swelling of the basement membrane and prevents it from thickening. The complex influence of the Dead Sea Salon environment prevents hypertrophy of the muscular membrane of the bronchi and hypertrophy and swelling of the glands. The latter factors specifically constitute the most common cause of bronchial asthma attacks in any of its forms.

The effect of the environment of the Dead Sea climate that is modeled by the Salon equipment (especially the factor of saturating tissues with bromine ions) leads to the expansion of the bronchi through the partial blocking of the ability of the vagus nerve’s parasympathetic fibers controlling the tone of the bronchial smooth muscle to conduct excitation. The effect of the Dead Sea Salon healing factors compares favorably with the effect of the so called salt rooms by the fact that the air ions produced in big number like in nature beside the chlorine ions include also the bromine ions that work in combination with the Dead Sea dispersed thermal background that creates conditions for the decrease of migration of the inflammation cells into the bronchi mucosa. In the course of procedures this creates conditions for getting rid of asthmatic attacks for a long time and relieves bronchial asthma.
The treatment of bronchial asthma by the Dead Sea climate is well known from long ago and is considered to be very efficient. Dead Sea Climatotherapy Salons recreate virtually all natural factors of the Dead Sea coastal environment and become all more widespread also due to the current availability of individual use models (for 1-3 persons). This allows to conduct Dead Sea climatotherapy even at home — in your cottage or in the room or residential unit of an apartment building. All instructions for healing procedures are provided.