About us

Dead Sea Climate Salon and I.H.C. Eden-Dead Sea Ltd history

Prof. L. Hovers

The history of I.H.C. Eden-Dead Sea Ltd is inseparably linked to the history of the development and engineering of the climate recreating systems capable of reproducing the Dead Sea climate environment. The beginnings of it were laid down in the end of the 20th century by the works of Prof. Hovers and Dr. Orenstein, Israeli specialists who studied the possibility of complete reproduction of the therapeutic and health-improving influences of the Dead Sea climate by use of quasi-vital (modeling and imitating) systems of climate recreation..

Much assistance to their work was provided by G. Grossman, a talented engineer, and Dr. R. Reidler, Prof. Hovers’ colleague. Significant results achieved through the efforts of these energetic scientists and specialists allowed already by the middle of 2001 to build the pilot sample of a climate recreating unit, demonstrate its safety in operation and high health improving efficiency. The entire work took about two years and resulted in founding of I.H.C. Eden-Dead Sea Ltd (International Dead Sea Health Center).

Dr. L. Orenstein

Thoroughness of comprehending the laws of climatotherapy has been the chief principle among the specialists of the company from the very beginning. Only after more than 2000 clients had successfully improved their health at the Climatotherapy Salon there came a time for a worldwide spreading of this scientific and climatic miracle. Careful approbation is conducted in every country where Dead Sea Climatotherapy Salons (DSCS) are put to operation.

Following Israel the salons were purchased by Germany, Democratic Korea, Ukraine, some units were shipped to Finland, contracts were made in the Republic of Cyprus and France. DCSC equipment is internationally registered and certified for safety.
To ensure the successful adaptation of DSCS in the environments of different natural zones of the Russian Federation they have been put to a more than two years long approbation at Russian medical centers like “Euromed” — Omsk, SPA — sanitarium (SPA-Hotel), “Plaza” — Kislovodsk, and some other.
The Dead Sea Salon systems for individual use have also become available at the present time. They can be installed in private houses and even in the residential units of apartment buildings.
The Project was named “Dead Sea Aura”. A group of qualified professionals is engaged in the implementation of this technology, collection of analytical data, counseling patients and clients, and in shipping of parts and equipment.
Today we are a dynamically growing international company. Our principles are individual approach and complex problem solution.